
Our team-buildings present you and your colleagues with unusual challenges and enable you to have intensive experiences together. The programme is designed in consultation with a qualified trainer according to your individual goals and ideas. If you wish, a reflection on the teamwork can follow. Combine your company outing or your team event with a varied team training!

In the following we present a short excerpt of the various possibilities:

Interaction tasks & cooperation tasks

With interaction and cooperation tasks, the solution is often not obvious at first. These tasks/problems are challenging and can usually only be solved through communication and joint planning. For example, they can be larger construction projects that require teams to interact persistently and thus promote problem-solving skills. Depending on the objective and level of difficulty, they are well suited to illustrate cooperation or roles in the team.

Trust exercises

Trust exercises are designed to deepen trust among participants. It is particularly suitable for building on existing trust.

Low-rope elements

Low-rope elements consist of tasks on the rope or slackline at jumping height and do not require any additional safety. The exercises focus on team cooperation and/or personal development. In particular, competences such as communication skills and positive social behaviour are made visible and promoted.

Reflection and transfer

If desired, behaviour during the exercises can be reflected upon so that a reference to everyday working life can be established. The methods chosen for this vary, depending on the need and desired intensity.

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